Registration Information
Step 1
Review Requirements & Deadlines
Admission Requirements
All candidates enrolling in Faculty of Education courses offered in the in-service program must be qualified for admission according to Ontario Regulation 176/10 - Teachers' Qualification Regulation under the Ontario College of Teachers Act.
To be recommended for certification with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) candidates must be a member of the Ontario College of Teachers and hold a Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR) in good standing. Verification of the CQR will be done online by our office via the Public Register of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Exceptions to the above are made for trained teachers from other jurisdictions who are not OCT members and do not plan to teach in Ontario. Contact for more information. Teachers trained outside of Ontario, and wishing to teach in Ontario, must be a fully registered member of the Ontario College of Teachers prior to registration in an AQ if they wish to have the course appear on their CQR.
If you hold a Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration, you cannot enroll in Additional Qualifications courses.
IMPORTANT: Admission to all Business Studies, French as a Second Language, Intermediate Division, Senior Division, and Honour Specialist courses is dependent on meeting the academic prerequisites, as listed under "Admission Requirements" section for each course.
Where admission requires completion of specific undergradate university courses, an official transcript from your university is required for candidates who have not completed an undergraduate degree at Western. Please request the official transcript to be sent directly from the issuing institution to the ASPirE office at We will also accept official copies sent to our office from the MyCreds or Parchment services. Using digital (email) methods to send your transcript are strongly recommended to avoid potential loss/delays by regular mail. However, should the institution be unable to send a digital copy, they may mail an official, sealed copy to our office at the address listed on our Contact Us tab.
It is strongly advised to have your qualifications assessed prior to registration if you are unsure of your eligibility. Check our Frequently Asked Questions for instructions on requesting a pre-evaluation.
A. Additional Basic Courses
Primary Division
Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating:
- Basic qualifications in areas of concentration other than the Primary Division
- An acceptable undergraduate university degree
Junior Division
Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating:
- Basic qualifications in areas of concentration other than the Junior Division
- An acceptable undergraduate university degree
Intermediate Division
Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating:
- An acceptable undergraduate university degree AND
- Two full year undergraduate university courses in the subject area for which qualification is sought. Teacher Education courses (Ed/EDUC) and Graduate courses are not admissible toward this requirement. (Note that course weights vary across institutions. Courses weighted as 3 credits are likely to be half courses).
Additional admission requirements are listed for each Intermediate Division course during the registration process. Ensure to scroll down to check the Admission Requirements section on the screen when you select your course.
Senior Division
Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating:
- An acceptable undergraduate university degree AND
- For applicants whose Certificate does not indicate "Senior" as an area of teaching qualification, a "B" average (70%) in a minimum of five full-year university undergraduate courses in the teaching subject for which qualification is sought OR
- For applicants whose Certificate does indicate "Senior" as an area of teaching qualification, a minimum of two full-year university undergraduate courses in the teaching subject for which qualification is sought.
Teacher Education courses (ED/EDUC) and Graduate courses are not admissible toward this requirement. (Note that course weights vary across institutions. Courses weighted as 3 credits are likely to be half courses).
Additional Admission Requirements are listed for each Senior Division course during the registration process. Ensure to scroll down to check the Admission Requirements section on the screen when you select your course
B. Three-Session Courses
- Certificate of Qualification and Registration
- Basic Qualifications in Primary, Junior, Intermediate, or Senior divisions in general studies.
- For admission to Primary Education Part 1 or Junior Education Part 1, you MUST first be qualified in the respective division on your Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
- For admission to Kindergarten Part 1, you must be qualified in the Primary Division.
- Teachers holding Basic Qualifications in Technological Education are eligible to enroll only in the following specific three-part AQ courses: Anti-Black Racism, Co-operative Education, Teaching English Language Learners (formerly “English as a Second Language”), Guidance and Career Education, Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Music-Vocal, Primary and Junior, Reading, Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Special Education, Teaching Students who are Blind/Low Vision, Visual Arts.
- Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating successful completion of Part 1 in the subject area.
- Evidence of at least one year of successful classroom teaching experience, as certified by an appropriate supervisory officer on the Teaching Experience Form.
For a teacher employed by a district school board, the academic supervisory officer is a superintendent or assistant superintendent of the board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority.
Teaching experience must be completed AFTER initial teacher certification and PRIOR to the first day of the AQ course.
- Certificate of Qualification and Registration indicating successful completion of Part 2 in the subject area.
- Evidence of at least two years of successful classroom teaching experience, including at least one year teaching the subject area of the AQ, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer on the Teaching Experience Form.
For a teacher employed by a district school board, the academic supervisory officer is a superintendent or assistant superintendent of the board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority.
NOTE: Where a teacher is teaching the subject in an integrated format, supervisory officers may consider experience where a teacher can demonstrate that he or she has planned and implemented instruction, and evaluated students using approved curriculum policy documents related to the subject (OCT Memorandum: August 30, 2012).
Teaching experience must be completed AFTER initial teacher certification and PRIOR to the first day of the AQ course.
Additional Admission Requirements are listed for each AQ course during the registration process. Ensure to scroll down to check the Admission Requirements section on the screen when you select your course.
C. Honour Specialist Courses
- Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR) in good standing
- four-year undergraduate university degree or equivalent (20 full courses)
- a 'B' (70%) average in nine full-year academic courses in the subject area. Courses used to meet the requirements for one Honour Specialist qualification may not be used to meet the requirements for another Honour Specialist qualification.
- Divisional qualification in Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior division (ABQ)
- Evidence of at least two school years of successful classroom teaching experience, including at least one year teaching the subject or subjects, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or supervisory official on the Teaching Experience Form.
For a teacher employed by a district school board, the academic supervisory officer is a superintendent or assistant superintendent of the board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority.
NOTE: Where a teacher is teaching the subject in an integrated format, supervisory officers may consider experience where a teacher can demonstrate that he or she has planned and implemented instruction, and evaluated students using approved curriculum policy documents related to the subject. (OCT Memorandum: August 30, 2012).
Teaching experience must be completed AFTER initial teacher certification and PRIOR to the first day of the course.
Note: The minimum passing grade for an Honour Specialist qualification is 70%.
Combined Honour Specialist: To be eligible for a Combined Honour Specialist program, you must have the equivalent of 14 full-year undergraduate university courses across the two subject areas you wish to take, with no less than 6 full-year courses in each subject area, and an overall 'B' (70%) average. You must successfully complete TWO Honour Specialist AQ before a recommendation report will be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers for either subject. A combined specialist requires teaching experience in only one of the subject areas.
Additional admission requirements are listed for each Honour Specialist course during the registration process. Ensure to scroll down to check the Admission Requirements section on the screen when you select your course.
Important Dates
Winter | |
Registration Opens | July 22, 2024 |
Registration Deadline | January 20, 2025 |
Course Begins | January 29, 2025 |
Course Ends | April 16, 2025 |
Last day to withdraw without academic penalty | February 19, 2025 |
Reports sent to OCT | May 05, 2025 |
Transcripts available on Student Centre: |
May 05, 2025 |
Intersession | |
Registration Opens | February 24, 2025 |
Registration Deadline | April 21, 2025 |
Course Begins | May 1, 2025 |
Course Ends | June 12, 2025 |
Last day to withdraw without academic penalty | May 16, 2025 |
Reports sent to OCT | June 30, 2025 |
Transcripts available on Student Centre: |
June 30, 2025 |
Summer | |
Registration Opens | February 24, 2025 |
Registration Deadline | June 23, 2025 |
Course Begins | July 02, 2025 |
Course Ends | July 31, 2025 |
Last day to withdraw without academic penalty | July 11, 2025 |
Reports sent to OCT | August 18, 2025 |
Transcripts available on Student Centre: |
August 18, 2025 |
Fall | |
Registration Opens | July 21, 2025 |
Registration Deadline | September 15, 2025 |
Course Begins | September 24, 2025 |
Course Ends | December 3, 2025 |
Last day to withdraw without academic penalty | October 15, 2025 |
Reports sent to OCT | January 06, 2026 |
Transcripts available on Student Centre: |
January 06, 2026 |
Step 2
Review Required Documentation
Certificate of Qualification and Registration
The ASPirE office will verify your CQR via the online OCT Public Register. You do not need to send a copy.
For teachers certified to teach in jurisdictions outside of Ontario and are not registered with the Ontario College of Teachers, please contact the ASPirE office for information.
Certificate of Teaching Experience
The Teaching Experience Form is required for all Part 2, Specialist, and Honour Specialist AQ courses. This form must be completed and signed by the appropriate supervisory officer and emailed by the signing supervisory officer, before the course begins, to
*The school principal cannot sign the form. For a teacher employed by a school board in Ontario, the signing officer is a superintendent or assistant superintendent of the board. For a teacher employed by a private school or First Nations Education Authority in Ontario, the supervisory officer is the Ministry of Education official appointed to provide supervisory services for the school authority.
For candidates teaching in jurisdictions outside of Ontario, please contact the ASPirE office to verify the appropriate supervisory officer.
Official Transcripts
Transcripts from Institutions Within Canada
Where admission requires completion of specific undergraduate university courses, an official transcript from your university is required. Please request the official transcript to be sent directly from the issuing institution to the ASPirE office at We will also accept official copies sent to our office from the MyCreds or Parchment services.
Using digital (email) methods to send your transcript are strongly recommended to avoid potential loss/delays by regular mail. However, should the institution be unable to send a digital copy, they may mail an official, sealed copy to the address below:
ASPirE Program
Room 2046A
Faculty of Education
Western University
1137 Western Road
London, ON N6G 1G7
If you did not previously submit your documentation for a pre-assessment, we request that you also email a PDF copy of your transcript(s) to the ASPirE office. The copy may be from your own records, or you can download it from your university website. Doing so will help us to confirm your eligibility prior to our receipt of the official transcript and allow time for other options to be considered if you are not eligible for the course.
*The copy from your own records or downloaded from the university website is not considered official and your admission is not finalized until an official transcript is received.
Transcripts from Institutions Outside of Canada
If it is difficult or involves significant time delay to obtain an official transcript from another country, you may alternatively request the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) to email a copy of your transcript(s) directly to ASPirE. Note that it can take 30 days or more for our office to receive a copy from the OCT files and therefore it should be ordered as soon as possible.
Documentation not originally issued in English must be accompanied by an official English translation. Translations must be sealed, stamped, and issued by:
- World Education Services (WES) - an organization offering international credential evaluation services, OR
- a translation service, accredited in Canada, OR
- a Canadian embassy, Consulate or High Commission
ASPirE will notify candidates if either of these waivers are required.
Step 3
ASPirE Course Information
Choose a Course
Search for AQ/ABQ/Honour Specialist courses we offer on our courses page:
Tuition, Refunds, Awards, Tax Information
AQ Tuition Fees
Payment may be made by Visa or Mastercard*. VISA debit cards are not accepted.
The tuition amount includes a $100 non-refundable processing fee. This fee is applied to refunds issued for course withdrawals, including those for medical reasons and non-eligibility.
International Students: International Fees apply for any student who is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Please contact prior to registration.
Course Type | Fee |
One-Session and Three-Part AQ | $685.00 |
Divisional Qualifications (Additional Basic ABQ's) | $735.00 |
Honour Specialist | $735.00 |
*It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria, including academic and teaching experience requirements, before completing the registration/payment process. Check admission requirements for your course.
Payment of the tuition amount, by credit card, must be received in full to complete registration and secure a space in the course. Spaces are not held pending receipt of payment.
Registration acceptance is dependent upon payment of fees and fulfillment of all eligibility requirements.
An official receipt will be emailed to you automatically after registration is complete or a Statement of Account and Web Academic Report can be printed later from the Office of the Registrar website.
Log into Student Center and under Finances click on 'Detailed Statement of Account'.
The detailed statement of account will provide you with your account information including tuition due dates, charges, payments, bursaries and current balance. In the upper right hand corner you can also click on the printer friendly link to generate a HTML printout of your tuition statement should you require a paper copy.
To access the Web Academic Report which will list the course name(s), go to the Student Centre and under Academics > Documentation, select 'Web Academic Report'. Then select it as the 'Report Type' (it will be the only option) and click 'View Report'. It takes approximately one minute for the report to run.
If you have questions or require assistance, please email or call the Helpline at 519-661-2100.
* The Board of Governors reserves the right to amend fees.
Withdrawals and Refunds
Withdrawal from an AQ course has a corresponding financial implication. If you wish to withdraw from a course, submit your request online: Log into the AQ Registration Portal and select "My Courses". For the course you wish to drop, click on its CC-xxx link under Course Connection ID. Under Course Actions, select Request to Drop the Course and follow the steps.
Note that non-participation in the course does not presume formal withdrawal.
Withdrawals prior to the course start date, including those for medical reasons or ineligibility, result in a refund of the course fee less the $100 non-refundable processing fee. They are processed in approximately 10 business days. After the start date, refunds are issued in accordance with the university refund schedule. The $100 non-refundable processing fee applies to all refund amounts. Note: The university refund schedules for AQ courses are occasionally updated. Please ensure to check the schedules when considering a withdrawal .
Full refunds are issued if a course is cancelled by the University.
Refunds are only issued in the same tender used for payment. No interest is paid on refunded tuition. Refunds are processed in approximately 10 business days.
Withdrawal requests received after the last refund date stated on the university refund schedule will result in a failing grade and no refund of tuition.
Course Deferrals:
Requests to defer a course to the following session must be received prior to the commencement date of the session, and is contingent on space availability. Students may defer only from Spring to Summer, OR from Fall to Winter sessions; however, not from Spring/Summer to Fall/Winter. The student will need to submit an online transfer request through the ASPirE AQ Student Portal.
Award & Funding Opportunities
Funding from the Ministry of Education through your Teacher Federations or your boards are available for a number of Additional Qualifications for Teachers. Please check the Federation websites or contact your board for information.
All Western AQ's are approved for OSAP Micro-credential funding, with the exception of Teaching Students with Communcation Needs, which is pending Ministry approval. Please access Western's Student Finances website for more information.
Awards: On occasion, Western offers candidates an award for successful completion of an additional qualification course.
Tax Information
Tax receipts will be available the following February on the last business day of the month. Log into the Student Centre at that time to access and print the official T2202A receipt.
Please Note: Our Certificate courses are considered non-degree credit and therefore do not qualify as an education tax credit by Revenue Canada and a T2202A (Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate) will not be issued. You may be able to claim course fees on your federal income tax, line 320 on schedule 11 (see line 323 of the guide) using your registration receipt. For more information, please visit Canada Revenue Agency or consult a tax professional.
Step 4
Register Online
Register for a course through our ASPirE AQ Registration online portal. After adding the course to your cart you will be required to create a registration profile or log into your existing profile. The AQ Registration Portal is not associated with Western Student Center or OWL and requires a unique username and password. If you have an existing profile on the AQ Registration portal, or the system tells you that one exists, and you have forgotten your password, please use the password reset function.
Step 5
Next Steps
For information on what to do after registering in a course, including activating your Western Identity (your course login), evaluations & expectations, finding your course on Western’s LMS (OWL), and Textbook information, see our After Registration page